Sunday, May 19, 2013


I'm starting for realize that I'm loosing my old life from my old town.

When we first left I was very much still involved with it all. I still talked to everyone all the time and even checked my work email, even though I was no longer employed. I knew everything that was happening. Then when we got into our house I was so involved with getting settled that I stopped. Now we are set into our routine here and I barely think about work... Although today I was wondering how it was going in our old town and my old life and then i realized how disconnected I am now.

It is surreal how you can just pick up and change everything you know. We get so caught up in our everyday routines, it is just crazy to think about changing it all. Then you do and that becomes your new normal. I can't even imagine going back to working full time. Although I'm sure I'd get used to it, just hard to imagine now.

I have no idea what my old coworkers are up to or how my old job is. I miss my friends, but honestly that is about it. I love our new house and our new life. I love being home with Colin. I feel like I am less stressed and can be a better wife and mommy. I cook a lot more than I ever have and it is awesome. I make healthy foods (so much so, Ryan had lost almost 10 lbs since we moved into our house... Wish I could say the same). I do one or two chores a day around the house instead do trying to cram in all my cleaning on my weekends. Overall I just feel much more at peace. My poor hubby I think is working much more, which sucks, but makes me feel even better about being home and being able to keep things stable.

This kinda wandered in this blog, but I guess I just realized that my life has changed so much from the past few months.

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