Monday, March 12, 2012

4 month check up

Colin had his 4 month check up today.  He weighed in at 14 lbs on the dot and 25 inches. He has actually dropped down as far as percentiles go, but the dr. said as long as he is growing and making progress then the numbers don't really matter. He was all smiles and happy to the doctor and nurse, until they gave him his shots. :) But he didn't cry nearly as much as he did the first times, so for that I was thankful! He slept as soon as I started the car, woke up not very happy, but after a quick meal he is now playing like normal! :)

She wants to wait as close to 6 months as possible before starting solids which is what I was aiming for anyway. I don't think he is quite ready for real food just yet.

Funny thing, they never told us what Colin's blood type was and I kept forgetting to ask. I remembered today and asked the nurse. Ryan is A+ and I am O+... wouldn't you know, Colin inherited Ryan's blood type... as well as Ryan's everything else to! lol

Oh and she saw him roll and watched him on his tummy and told us she didn't think it would be long before he started moving around on us... and I think she is right. Last night when colin was on his tummy, he moved in a half circle trying to grab a toy.... uh oh...

Speaking of this toy. We were in Target and I was looking at teething toys, Colin stopped sucking on his fingers and just stared at this toy on the shelf... He was in love. So of course, I bought it for him. Ryan said he already has me suckered... :)

1 comment:

Dawn said...

That's partly how we ended up with so many toys. Stop the madness now!