Saturday, March 10, 2012

Phone Dump!

Watching Aunt Katheryn live on an internet stream while she competed in a dance competition. Colin loves his Auntie!
Concentrating soo hard while playing for the first time in his exersaucer. His feet don't reach so he is standing on a pillow :) Its soo funny he gets so focused when he plays with his toys, he tightens up his lips, like in the picture... my mom and uncle do the same thing!

This is what I wake up to in the mornings. He wakes up so stinking happy it is disgusting! This was literally RIGHT as he opened his eyes for the first time!

He looks SO big in this baseball outfit!

This is why they make straps on baby chairs...

One of my coworkers said I always take happy pictures of my kid and I  don't ever show real life parenting! Lol So here, ya go... Doesn't he look like he's teething? Just having a rough moment at mommy's work.

Helping Mommy make dinner. He is sucking on the side of this carrier while I'm cooking! Lol

Somehow I fit in between these two. I don't really see where there is space, but apparently there was. I climbed out Colin's side, so it isn't like the cat moved. Colin is just waking up here... poor buddy, rubbing his little eyes.

I bought this hat before he was born because I thought it'd look cute for newborn pictures... well it just now fits! lol He thought the camera was cool that morning.

Fun at Mon's work. We got evacuated from the visitor center and had to go to the office... He is baby Colin the Antelope!

More Antelope Fun!

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