Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Bed Time day 2

Also a success. He was out by 8:40. Yes! Although I'm not sure he was as tired as last night because he was sleeping a little restless. He had a REALLY good first sleep stretch... which is typical for him... about 4 hours.  BUT he usually sleeps like 2 to 3 hour stretches after that and last night I swear he got up every hour to eat. Maybe growing??  Whatever it was, was tiring on me. I have a hard time falling asleep at 8:30... which sucks and by the time I was falling asleep, he was getting ready to wake up and then was up every hour. Yuck! I imagine I will get used to falling asleep at 8:30 soon... this new bed time isn't just training for Colin, but for me too!

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