Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas parties

Ryan had his work Christmas party this weekend. I didn't really know about it until the night before... but that's all good. It was free dinner, which means I didn't have to cook! :)  But I had to dress up and stuff... small compromise.

The dressing up part was hard... like what the heck do I wear because I'm in between clothes! Luckily I have LOTS of dresses so I have a bit to choose from. I could not  handle wearing any of the maxi dresses that I wore/lived in when I was pregnant, because I still felt pregnant in them.  So I found something else and  just went with that. It was fun dressing up again... as opposed to the sweats that I am usually sporting nowadays. 

Even though I felt good and thought I was looking pretty good, I still got the dreaded when are due question... REALLY? Ugh.  Suck. :(  It was a girl I don't know very well, who knew I WAS pregnant. She looked down and at my belly and said congratulations. I thought maybe she meant for the baby, so I said,  Thanks, he's over there with his dad. And she then said, when are you due?  I said, I WAS due on Nov. 8 and had him on Nov. 7.  And then she said something like Oh you already had him, when did you have him. I dunno it was loud in there... but it still sucked. Operation loose this last bit of belly weight couldn't come soon enough, after that! Lol

Colin was VERY good and slept through the very loud party. Until I started worrying that he'd be up all night (which he was, until 1 am) and then we woke him up and he ate and looked around at the Christmas lights.  :)

Here are some photos we took before our first major family outing! Wish we would've taken a family photo.

matching double chins! :)

New dress to avoid, cause apparently I look pregnant! Lol

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