Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Maternity Underwear

Yes, I am going to write a blog about underwear. :)  Why? Because ladies need to know these things and I was completely in the dark.

When some one first told me I needed maternity underwear, I laughed. Really? You need special underwear to be pregnant. Not possible. Why on earth would you need different undies. Your belly grows... how does that affect your underwear.  I was kind of offended and intrigued at the same time.

When I first starting buying some maternity clothes at the Motherhood store, I glanced at the maternity underwear. It looked just like regular granny panties. I was shopping with my Aunt who told me that I should get some. I asked why. She told me that your regular underwear wouldn't fit after awhile and would start rolling down at the top from your belly.... and like usual... she was right. :)

I bought a pack that day and ordered another pack a couple months later. They aren't cute and they aren't sexy... but by golly, they fit you. They don't dig into your widening hips and they don't roll down from your ginormous belly like the rest of your undies do.  My life would be a little less comfortable without them.

So, just so you know... and I am only saying this because I had NEVER heard it before... pregnancy undies are REAL. You will need them and you will learn to love them. 

The end. :)

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