Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Well... That's never happened before.

Yesterday I had an embarassing moment.  I am going to blame it on the pregnancy.... because I can. Plus, it has never happened to me before this, so yeah.

I ripped my pants.  Right over one of my butt cheeks.  Full on rip. Did I mention they were black pants... and I was wearing bright WHITE undies.  :) Yeah.  Fun stuff.

I had a bunch of errands to run yesterday and was going to end my day at the soccer field. I looked in my closet and saw a pair of maternity black capris that I've never worn before that someone had given to me. I thought, I should wear these before it gets too cold and I never have the opportunity to wear them. So I pulled em on and didn't think anything more about them.  I did notice they were a bit snug, but didn't put a second thought into it.  I ran some errands and I remember hearing a ripping sound everytime I sat down in the car, but it wasn't that loud so I just ignored it!  I got to the chiropractor (one of my last errands of the day) and  I sat down in the chair to wait for her, when I noticed that tearing sound again...  this time much louder in the quiet room of the chiropractor and I felt some air sweep into my backside.  Low and behold I felt the back of my pants and there was a GIANT tear from the waistline all the way down past my underwear at this point!!   Lol.  I have no clue how long it had been torn and if I had walked all over town with my white undies showing under my black capris.... and no, my shirt wasn't very long.  My chiropractor (who thankgoodness is a woman) got a great laugh out of it!   And needless to say I went home to change my clothes before I finished up the rest of my errands.   :)

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