Monday, September 12, 2011

32 weeks

32 weeks... wow. 

The highlight of my week last week was getting an order of Carter's clothes in the mail. They had a big sale (70% off) so I got suckered into buying some.  We literally didn't have any clothes yet... I know, I know, we haven't even had our showers yet. But it is nice to have SOMETHING to put in our drawers for the little guy. It seemed like I got a ton of stuff... but really I just got like 2 or 3 outfits in each size... NB, 3 mos, and 6 mos.  And they are sooo freaking adorable. I can't wait to put our little man in them!

Also our other set of curtains came in. It is amazing how dark that room is now!  I actually have to open them a bit otherwise it looks like it is night time in there! Hopefully it will be easy for baby still in that pitch black room!

How far along?: 32 weeks

How big is baby?: 17 inches long and 3.75 pounds!

Weight gain/loss?: I think I am still at +19 pounds, BUT I just made some oatmeal cookies and Ryan is gone until Wednesday... sooo it could be more pretty soon! Lol

Stretch marks?: Sadly yes.  On my thighs, but not yet on my stomach. :(

Maternity clothes?: Yes, everything I wear is maternity except for dresses and my stupid work uniform.

Sleep?: Not so much. I have been getting more uncomfortable at night. My back, legs, stomach.... different things wake me up.  I typically get up once a night to pee and if I don't get up to pee, I get up because I am thirsty... always around 3 or 4.

Food cravings?: Still Raspberries and Steak. But now anything with calcium is added to the list. I had 2 LARGE glasses of milk in the past hour. Ice cream, cheese, yogurt, milk... you name it. Mmmm... My new favorite is chocolate milk! Lol 

Gender?: Boy

Movement?: Oh yeah! All the time! At church on Sunday, he was sticking either his little butt or his legs out on the very top of my stomach and uterus. I kept pushing it down and he kept pushing it back up! It was actually rather painful

Belly button: Still an innie!! Take that haters who said it would pop out! :) Although... I know I still have 8 more weeks... Lol  But it is still pretty far in there!

What are you looking forward to this week?: More movement! I love feeling his little wiggles!

I also got brave and took a bare belly shot. Not sure if I'm brave enough to post it on here... BUT if you are my friend/ family member and would like to see it, send me a text.... lol  :)

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