Monday, April 11, 2011


This weekend we decided we would tell our grandparents. My parents had been begging me to tell my grandma for weeks and I finally gave in.

I only have one grandparent left in my life, my dad's mom, who lives in California. The last time I saw her I was 13, but we call eachother every month, send letters and pictures as a way to keep in touch. I was kind of nervous to tell her, but my dad kept telling me that she probably already knew cause she was kind of psychic. He was totally right. I didn't even have to tell her, When she answered the phone and found out it was me she immediately asked me if I was pregnant! Lol. That was easy! She is already looking for yarn to start knitting me a blanket!

Yesterday we met Ryan's grandparents in Albuquerque for brunch. We didn't know how we would tell them, but I brought the ultrasound picture and figured we could just show that to them. We waited until they finished eating and then Ryan told them that I had gotten my picture taken a couple weeks ago and showed the picture to his grandpa. I swear his grandma's eyes almost popped out of her head! She was soo excited! The last time we saw them they kept talking about how they couldnt wait to be great-grandparents so it was neat to tell them that it was going to happen sooner than they thought! They made us take a picture and Ryan's grandma was going to put the picture in her scrap book as the day they found out about the great grandbaby! Lol :)

I discovered something this weekend. Our kid is going to be VERY spoiled! It will be the first grandkid AND the first great-grandkid on BOTH sides of the family! Scary!

We were also planning on telling Ryan's sisters this weekend, but we didn't end up having time. I am hoping we will be able to Skype them tonight and tell them! I know they are going to be excited beyond words and they will be the best Aunties ever!

This week marks our first double digit, we are 10 weeks!! Baby has graduated from an embryo to a fetus! I can't believe it! I am soo thankful and feel soo blessed!

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