Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The most beautiful sight...

Today I saw the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life. During our ultrasound today we got to see the baby's heart beat... which I am pretty sure is the neatest thing I have ever seen in my entire life. The ultrasound itself was not that exciting, it looks like a blob and you can't really tell what it is, BUT amidst that little blob was a flicker of a heart beat. :) And Relief! Soo thankful for that little heartbeat, I have been soo scared and nervous that we wouldn't see the heartbeat or something might wrong, but seeing that flicker today reassured all my fears. I know we are not out of the water yet... and the ultrasound tech made sure to tell me that lol... but seeing the heartbeat is a big step and huge milestone.

So the ultrasound put me at 7 weeks (I knew it!) and put my due date at Nov. 8, 2011. And here is the picture of our blob!

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