Monday, October 18, 2010

Almost there

I *almost* tested this morning. Lol. Almost. I chickened out though. I just hate testing and getting that stupid dissapointing negative that I'd rather just wait it out. That being said AF is due this week. One of my calendars says Weds the other says Friday. Although... really that means nothing when it comes to my cyles.

I have been REALLY hungry the past couple weeks and really that has been my only symptom. I also have been looking fat... I think. I took pictures this weekend up in the mountains with my parents and the changing leaves. I SWEAR I look pregnant in EVERY picture! I am probably just fat, but I don't get it.. I am working out a bunch and not loosing weight. Hopefully I am knocked up because that would explain it! lol

Unfortunately I am feeling a bit crampy this evening. It is probably just AF coming... but hopefully it isnt. FX!

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