Wednesday, February 25, 2015


We started on the healthy train pretty hardcore last year when Ryan's crossfit box did a paleo challenge. During that challenge Ryan lost over 30 pounds! 30! Guys my husband is so skinny and fit!!! 

Anyway! We've kept up this paleo lifestyle and i have been really hammering down on exercising. I think part of the reason Ryan was so successful was that he paired it with cross fit. 

I don't do crossfit. Maybe I should... But I have a hard time making classes as a mom and I'm afraid of messing up my neck or back.  So thankfully there are things you can do at home! I've joined the beachbody world and have become pretty obsessed with my PIYO DVDs. These workouts are like 20-30 minutes which is totally doable and it is easy on my bad neck and back. It makes me feel so strong. Push-ups, side bends, down dogs... Ugh I love it and you sweat your butt off! I pair it with zumba or running  and I'm hoping to be the healthiest me I can be this year. 

Ive decided that I'm going to (try) not to worry about the scale. Scales are so stupid! And instead just focus on being healthy and strong! I get super depressed when I start worrying about the scale. But it is just a number. I know I'm building muscles which weighs more than fat so that is another reason why that scale is so stupid! 

So here is to 2014, being healthy and strong... not skinny!

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