Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Life after death

So I've been thinking a lot about this lately. 

I've always believed when you die your spirit leaves your body and you go to heaven and that was that. I knew that my loved ones look down on me from there, but i never thought of their spirit as something that can remain in your life.

Then I started watching the Long Island Medium. Ok get your chuckles and skepticism out here....

First off I love Theresa because she reminds me of my crazy Italian family members. She is loud, talks with her hands and watching her family dynamics is awesome.

But watching her do her readings is even more amazing. I was a bit skeptical, but when she says things about people's loved ones that nobody else would know it is pretty convincing. (Although my hubby is still a skeptic). 

Further more there are things she says that remind me of instances that I've had personally where I feel like I've had contact with my relatives who've past on.


A few years after my grandfather died I was in a car accident and even after rolling and totaling my car I walked away from the accident without a scratch. Some may think of that as just a miracle, but I know it was my grandpa protecting me. In one episode Theresa read a lady who also walked away from a terrible accident and said her friend held her and protected her during the accident.

When we first moved here I went shopping and stopped by the cheese aisle to see if they had any good Italian cheeses. As I was standing there a chunk of cheese fell off the shelf. I picked it up and it was the Irish cheese that my great uncle (who passed away in November ) had told me to look for when I tried it at their house last summer. I picked it up and told him thank you. 

My mom had an instance that happened the other day. This is one that Theresa talks about often.  She was in one of my grandmas favorite places and was sad because I had just left to go back from the weekend. She started talking to my grandma telling her how she wished she could see Colin. She said the next second she felt chills and could feel a touch on her face.  She was not alone, my grandma was there.

So what do you think? Do you ever have any instances where you've come in contact with spirits??

By the way I'd love a reading from the Ling Island Medium. It would be so beat to talk to my grandparents again!! Too bad she is so popular I'm sure she is booked for years and super expensive!


Marcie Chavez said...

Wow! I'm a believer. When my stepdad's mom passed away last year, Jenna was only 2. She was playing on her toy telepho e talking up a storm. I asked her who she was talking to and she said, "It's nana Lydia. She said not to worry about her, that she is with her friends." Amazing?

Jaclyn said...

Just got the chills!