Monday, July 22, 2013

Royal Baby is coming!

I'm totally excited about the Royal baby. Why? I don't really know. I've been obsessed with the royal family since I was a kid. My mom bought me a book on the Princess Diana and her boys... so we can go ahead and blame this obsession on her. I believe I am in between the two boy's age and  I used to dream I would marry one of them... Didn't every little girl??  Anyway, I grew up and realized I probably wouldn't marry them and  met my own prince... Ahhh... plus William is going bald and Harry seems a little wild.

It is an exciting time in history. A royal baby, an heir to the thrown. This kid, whoever he/she is, is our future and is going to a very powerful and adored individual. Judging by this kid's mother, I'm assuming it will be the best dressed kid around and not only will clothes be a trendsetter, but the baby's name and everything else they do will be!

I'm secretly hoping Kate becomes a breastfeeding advocate. If anyone could change breastfeeding, it could be her. People look up to her all over the world and I think she could really change the perspective of it. If only I could call her and tell her that... although now may not be a good time...

So stay tuned people... the baby is coming today.

Update: HE is here!!

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