Monday, July 22, 2013

I'm back!!

Whew! What a whirlwind of a few weeks! I've literally driven to Albuquerque and back FIVE times in the past few weeks! I'm beyond over that drive and traveling and so happy to be home!

We enjoyed spending time with our families, but I think we are secretly ready to be back to our normal routine and family of 3.

My jogging stroller got a flat about 2 weeks ago and so my exercise went out the window. I did a few online videos, a few swimming sessions with the sister in laws and one day of hiking, but nothing regular. That and with 2 teenage girls visiting... I ate a lot of ice cream that I normally do not eat! So... needless to say I gained some weight. Boo!! But Ryan and I both ran this weekend and we were back to our normal diet and I've already lost 2 pounds! Woo Hoo!

Colin has been a holy terror since we've been home. I'm not sure if it is terrible twos starting or if he is just adjusting to being back home without company. Either way it is not fun. Today is going a little better, so I'm hoping it was just an adjusting phase!

I've got a few topics I'd like to blog about so, stay tuned!!  That a few fashion posts up my sleeve!

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