Sunday, April 21, 2013

Weekend wrap up

This weekend we made a quick trip to our old town to check on our still for sale house.

We had a really busy and great trip. We stopped at the art gallery there where I have 2 pictures hanging. I sent them back in February to the gallery before the show opened in March. We've been back a time or two since then, but the gallery wasn't open, so I was excited to see my work hanging for the very first time!

We met up with some friends at the lake and Colin played in the water for the first time. He had fun digging in sand and eating marshmallows! There was a older boy there also named Colin and before we left My colin decided he was obsessed with him! maybe he knew they had they same name! We stayed at some other friends house and Colin got to feed chickens, see horses, chase cats and get lots of puppy kisses. We had lunch at our favorite restaurant and stopped by my old visitor center where we met Colin's old babysitter and then visited with our old neighbors! It was very busy. Every time I leave I realize how much I miss it and how many people we love there and that love us. It will forever hold a place in my heart. Such a terrible problem to have too many people to visit when we go back!

Here are some pictures of our visit.

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