Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Random Ramblings!

Colin fell asleep in 3 minutes in his crib tonight! 3! How do I know this? Well, his scout puppy's batteries died so instead of playing his bedtime music, Ive been playing pandora. I heard him snoring and I kept thinking, have I even payed one song? And sure enough, nope! Crazy!

Colin has started talking a bit more... Like just in the last week. He started saying Awww every time he gives hugs and loves. Then he said Hi and Bye! Just out of the blue! He also started saying thank you, which sounds a little like 'day do' and took me awhile to figure it out, but every time I would give him something he would say it! And this morning he added, bubble to his vocabulary! Clear as day he saw a bubble and said it! In honor of his new word we took a bubble bath and read a book called Bubbles, Bubbles!

I think I made a friend! (It will be funny if she becomes my friend and reads this later... Hi! Lol) we met at the children's museum. Funny thing is Colin was drawn to her and played with her, thus making me interact! Good thing cause I stink at being brave and meeting people. I feel like initially I am so shy, but give me a few minutes and I totally open up. We had a play date at the park where we met another mommy who was there with her kids too! It was nice to chat with people other than Colin. Especially since Ryan has been working soo crazy. There are days where I feel like I've only talked to Colin and the dog all day long... Not that there is anything wrong with that... Those two give me plenty of things to talk about! Ha!

That is all my Ramblings for tonight.... Now I'm going to write a food blog! :)

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