Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Our big news...

So our big news is that in 2013 we will be moving. My husband got offered a job in Farmington, NM so that is where we will be headed to in a few weeks time.

This is very bittersweet for me. I am very excited for this opportunity for his career and for him. I am excited to move to a bigger city that actually has more than 2 stores to shop in and more than 5 restaurants to rotate from. BUT I will miss life here. I will my our home... Colin's first home. I will my job and the flexibility it allows to be a mommy. I will miss all the friends we have made her over the past almost 5 years as well.  But I know we can take our friendships with us to our new town and make them come visit us and vice versa.

Moving is a little unsettling for me. All the unknowns. I was raised in the same house and in the same town throughout my entire childhood. Sure I moved around a bit while I was in college and stuff, but I prefer a sedimentary lifestyle. Moving scares me! Lol

But I'd rather move now while Colin is young... before he makes friends and such. He is too little now, everyone is his friend!   :)

Anyway I will blog more about our move and my job situation later!

1 comment:

Christene @ MommaBird said...

That is exciting and yet at the same time scary news.

I didn't realize you lived in a small city, so that'll be exciting to move to a place that is bigger and has other attractions and shops.

Good luck on the move!