Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Probiotics = lifesavers

I had been sick for about 2 weeks. I thought it was a terrible stomach bug that didn't go away... but after about 2 weeks I was thinking maybe there was something wrong with me! After researching ulcers and other terrible things.... one of my friends suggested it could be my recent diet change of going dairy free and it's affects on my stomach and intestines and I should look into probiotics.

My BIL is a lactard (lactose intolerant) and was having terrible stomach issues until he discovered probiotics. He was eating soy yogurt everyday and then started taking probiotic pills instead. I called him Saturday after my friend suggested it and he assured me that it would do wonders.

Well, I ran and bought a bottle on my way home from work Saturday. I've taken it 3 days now and haven't been sick in 3 days. I don't know if that is what helped, but it sure is wonderful!!

Yay for not being sick!  (Of course as I write this I'm sure I will jinx myself! Lol)

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