Saturday, July 7, 2012

8 months!

Monkey boy is 8 months old today!

First time I've forgotten pictures! Lol  I will do them tomorrow!!

Colin is 18 lbs and I have no clue how many inches!  (I asked Ryan if we had a ruler... lets see if I can do a little measuring tomorrow too! Ha!)

He has one tooth... and I'm pretty sure the second one isn't too far behind!

He has mastered the wave and will sometimes make the sign for milk.... but he sure knows what that sign means!!! When I make the sign for milk he gets sooo excited... this kid likes to nurse!

He is still wearing 6-9 month clothes... he hasn't grown very much, I think it is because he so active he burns everything off!?! I dunno!  Still size 3 diapers as well.

Kid eats everything and LOVES feeding himself. He has almost mastered his pincer grasp.... I'd say 70% of the food gets in his mouth when he tries! Maybe less. I can really tell when we are at a restaurant. I think he's eaten all kinds of food... then I look at the ground.... poor waitresses that have to clean up after us!

His favorite food is Avocado. He ate a half an avocado tonight!! He is loving cheerios... and whatever I'm eating. His new thing is when Ryan and I are eating chips and we don't give him any he opens his mouth and attacks our face trying to get it! Lol

He shares his food with Momma all the time. I think that is so sweet... and a little messy and gross at the same time! I think he figures, Momma shares her food... I better share mine! :)

He crawls everywhere and pulls himself up onto everything. He REALLY wants to walk, but doesn't quite have the balance thing down.... yet. He is a mover and a shaker. The only time he is still is when he is sleeping... otherwise he is the biggest busy body!

I hate to say this too loudly... but sleep has gotten a tad bit better. Ssshhhhh... he might hear! Still not even close to sleeping through the night, but his first sleep stretch is usually somewhere between 3-5 hours. Much better than every hour or two. He gets up about 3 or 4 times a night still even after eating the world before bed. He takes 2 naps a day, one sometime between 8:30 and 9:30 in the morning (depending upon what time he wakes up) and another at 1:30 in the afternoon on the dot. He literally like falls over at 1:30.

He is the biggest flirt. He loves to smile his one tooth smile and wave at all the ladies and will go to ANYONE and let them take him far away from me with no problems... unless he is tired or wants milk. Then only mommy will do.

He is usually always soo very happy unless he is over hungry or tired... but as long as those two things are managed right, he is one happy camper! He wasn't even that bad when his tooth came in!

Oh yeah and he says, Mama and Dada... and  a bunch of other gibberish that I cannot comprehend!

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