Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Strep throat sucks!

Today I am sick as dog... actually I've had a fever since Monday night. I thought it might go away... but no luck.  I woke up this morning with a fever of 101 and killer sore throat, swallowing, hiccuping, couching you name it and my throat would just die of pain!  So I took the day off and went to the doctor. Just as I suspected, the Dr. thinks I have strep. The good thing is babies can't get strep! Whew! :)

Colin also got a shot while we were there because they were out of one when we went to his last apt.

Let me just say, taking care of a baby when you feel like death SUCKS. All I want to do is curl up in bed. My body aches and I'm sweating buckets. :(  To top it off Colin has been very needy... probably his shot. And every time I cough or try to clear my throat he gets scared and cries.   Sigh... and it is only like 1 something. Officially the longest day ever! I can't wait for Ryan to get home. If I had any energy I would call the babysitter and see if she could watch Colin... but that would require driving to her house... and I don't have the energy... I barely survived picking up my prescription.

And not only do I have strep, but my neck and back are out of alignment, I can't bend over very well or turn my neck. Ugh... when it rains it pours.

This picture sums up my day!   :(

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