Saturday, January 7, 2012

2 months old

My baby boy is 2 months old today!  Quickest 2 months of my life!

Colin is changing every single day. He has really put on the pounds lately and I love his little pudgy arms and legs! He has started "talking" soo much! I LOVE his little voice. I am hoping I can record one of his conversations because it is soo stinking cute. The other night when Ryan came home Colin talked to him for like 30 minutes! I wonder what he was telling his daddy?!  Ryan's mom came to visit earlier this week and when she was leaving Colin just smiled and talked to her. It was very cute and made it very hard on her to leave!

He is *almost* holding his head up on his own... almost!  He really likes to look around like a big kid. He got a play mat for Christmas and has started hitting the toys (punching them really hard to be exact) and kicking them with his feet. It is funny because once he feels something with his feet, he will keep kicking it over and over again! He used to really like tummy time, but lately he's been falling asleep during it!

He's been sleeping really well at night since the New Year. (knock on wood) His first sleep stretch of the night is at least 4 hours, last night was almost 5 hours and then his next sleep stretches are about 2 1/2 hours. I can survive on that! Hoping that continues and when I go back to work I'll only be getting up once a night... maybe twice. Just wish I could get him to bed earlier than 11! He is a little night owl!

Here are some 2 month photos... he was much more animated than his 1 month ones, funny how much his little personality has changed!

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