Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Waiting Game and Waiting pain

Yesterday I was feeling something terrible. I woke up with terrible hip and back pain and it got worse throughout the day. I am betting it was from my chiropractor visit on Monday because she said my hips were out and she adjusted them.  (She also said my pelvis was WIDE open and ready to go for delivery time! :) )

 However, I was hoping it was something else and not just my chiropractor visit.  In the evening yesterday I was also really crampy and my back and hip pain was much worse. I was really hoping that was a sign that labor was immanent.  In fact I kept teasing Ryan about it.... :) 

I really wanted to wake up in the middle of the night with contractions...Unfortunately I woke up this morning feeling fine.  :(  My hips and back still hurt, but not as bad as they did yesterday, which makes me think it was just from my chiropractic adjustment. Bummer! Lol

The baby was going nuts last night too. I swear it was like he was trying to come out through my belly! I don't think I've ever felt him move around so much.  Maybe it was all the Halloween candy I ate... or the spicy Mexican food I had for lunch... but he was just moving all over the place and it was creepy because my whole belly was moving around. He did it ALL evening long and I was worried he'd keep me up all night, but I slept grand!  Oh well.

And the waiting continues!

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