Tuesday, October 25, 2011

38 weeks

We had our 38 week appointment today. Not going to lie, I left feeling a little frustrated. :(

First of all our doctor was running very late... like over an hour late. She was very rushed and trying to make up time.

Our last appointment was very different. She dropped the bomb on us that she going on vacation, discussed with us induction and said she would check me this week and and we'd make a decision about induction.  Even though we'd already made our decision last week, she didn't know that.  She came in today, asked me if I had any questions, checked Colin's heartbeat and then was on her way out the door. I freaked out a little on her and was like, umm... aren't you going to check me? She said she wasn't planning on it, but if I wanted her to, she would.  I told her last time she said she would check me... she said she didn't think she needed to, but if I wanted her to she would.  Needless to say she gave me a gown, let me change and checked me. 

Much to my dismay she said I wasn't even slightly dilated, my cervix was closed shut. She said I might have been some effaced, but she couldn't tell.  I am supposed to see her every week from now on, but since she is going on vacation the next time I will see her is on my due date.  :S  She didn't even mention induction, which was good because we didn't want to do it anyway. BUT not so cool,  that she would bring it up last week and then totally dismiss it this week because she was rushing. What if we'd decided to do it and then she would've just brushed us off about it. I don't know.

Anyway, it looks like little Colin is comfy and not coming out any time soon. I am thinking he is going to be late.  I shouldn't be upset over that... but part of me was hoping that after all the pain I've had in my darn hips and back and the general uncomfortableness of being 9 mos pregnant  that maybe he'd make his appearance early so I could get some relief.  I don't think that is going to happen! :)  So, time to suck it up and deal with it. :) Nothing else to do!

Anyway, Colin's heart rate was right around 140. He was head down and kept poking what the doctor said was his elbow out on my side! He has been moving around a bunch today, a lot more than usual, but it has helped my mood incredibly because at least I know he is a happy camper in there! :)

Here is my 38 week picture. My mom showed this to one of her old lady friends and they told her that I looked like I was having a 10 pound baby. :( 


Dawn said...

You DO NOT look like you are having a 10 pound baby. My cousin had a 10 pound baby, so I know. Sorry about the dr. Look on the bright side... it is much easier with them inside you. Try to relax and sleep and rest as much as possible. Love ya!

Dawn said...
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Abby Reed said...

I think you look beautiful!!!!!