Monday, September 19, 2011

33 weeks

33 weeks and I am seriously nesting. I don't think my house has been this clean in months... and by months I mean since before I was pregnant! Lol

I have to clarify that  haven't been a slob I just let the little things go... like dusting and scrubbing the bathrooms.  Now every little dirty thing bugs me and I HAVE to clean it. The fans, the baseboards, the grout in between the tile in the bathtub... you name it... gross.... and needs to be cleaned!

Today I cleaned for hours. I bought one of those magic eraser sponges (it works good by the way, but falls apart easily) and scrubbed the crap out of my bathtub... it just might be the cleanest its ever been. Then I moved to the bedroom. I did LOTS of organizing and vacuumed and dusted EVERYTHING. Not including 2 loads of laundry and dishes. Yesterday I swept and mopped the rest of the house. Yay for a clean house!

Anyway, 33 weeks.  Baby is the size of pineapple. Weighs a little over 4 pounds and is 17 inches long. They also say that the baby's skeleton is hardening... so maybe that is why all I want to do is drink milk?

We go for an OB apt. tomorrow at 4! I am excited to hear the baby's heartbeat again and see how I'm measuring. I thought I had dropped a bit... but when I compared my picture to last week's I think I just grew, instead! Lol

According to my scale here I have only gained a pound since my last apt. 2 weeks ago... which is a good thing! :) But we will see what the Dr.'s scale says!

Here's my 33 week picture (excuse my hair... I had a busy day cleaning):

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