Friday, August 19, 2011

28 week apt.

We had our 28 week doctor's appointment today and I had to do the dreaded Glucose test. I was kind of nervous about the glucose test. I chugged the nasty orange drink and it was a lot more to drink than I expected. Soo gross! But luckily I didn't get too sick... although I did get a tummy ache and a head ache! Lol  And after our apt. I got my finger pricked  to check my glucose level and my number was 109.... PASS! :) Woo Hoo!   Baby looks good. I am 28 weeks and 3 days and I was measuring 29 weeks. His heart rate was between 140 and 150 bpm.   We also scheduled our next ultrasound apt. to see if my placenta has moved up since my last 20 week ultrasound..... AND we get to go in on Monday... like as in 3 days from today... for our ultrasound! I am VERY excited. It is always cool to see the baby and it will be neat to see how much he has grown. Plus of course to verify that he is 100% a HE and that other important thing about the placenta!  My blood pressure was a bit higher than normal at this apt... but I am gonna blame it on the glucose test! :) Our next apt is in 2 weeks.

How far along?: 28 weeks

How big is baby?: 16 inches and 2 1/2 pounds!! That seems HUGE! Lol

Weight gain/loss?: I think I gained 3 pounds from last apt.... but they didn't tell me. According to my calculations, 15 pounds.

Stretch marks?: None yet... Hope it stays that way! :) I had a panic attack the other day cause I thought I saw some... but it was just sleep lines! :)

Maternity clothes?: Pretty much everything maternity except for Maxi Dresses and work shirts.

Sleep?: I have been getting up once every night to pee. Other than that... sleeping well... except I got hot being sandwiched between the cat and the husband. But most nights I manage rather well!

Food cravings?: Still Raspberries and Steak. And ice cream has been creeping up on the list... mmmm....
Gender?: Boy

Movement?: Oh yeah! He is a wiggle monster! He kicked Ryan soo hard the other day... it was great! Lol
Belly button: Still an innie!! I think it will either stay and innie or get flat. :) Ryan asked the Dr. about it today she said it might stay an innie! :)

What are you looking forward to this week?: Getting our ultrasound on Monday! Can't wait to see how much baby has grown!

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