Monday, July 11, 2011

23 weeks

I think I need to clean my mirror! Lol  Here is my 23 week shot! I was nervous that I would have grown a bunch from last week... but I look about the same, just a bit rounder! I feel like I've gained a lot and feel a lot bigger.... but the pictures don't lie! Lol 

This week the baby has hit the 1 pound mark! While momma has hit like the 11 or 12 pound mark! Ha!  I have been feeling my little man wiggle a LOT! I love feeling him move! My favorite time is the morning when I wake up. He seems to just be moving all around in the morning and I love just laying there feeling him!

We go for our next ob appointment next Friday, which I am excited about. The Dr. should have all the information from our ultrasound so it will be interesting to hear what she has to say. I think I only have one more 4 week apt. with her and then I start going every 2 weeks... already! I can't believe how fast this is going!

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