Monday, June 27, 2011

Hello Heartburn!

Just the past 2 weeks I have noticed a yucky pregnancy symptom.... the evil heartburn!  I don't believe I have ever had heartburn before and it is gross! During my first trimester I got evening nausea. I was very fortunate that I didn't ever throw up... but nausea and heartburn are VERY different. I guess I should be very thankful if this is the worst  of my pregnancy symptoms!

The number one thing I have learned that causes me heartburn is tomatoes, I guess because they are soo acidy. This is a huge bummer because I am Italian and LOVE pasta and pasta sauce and tomatoes. Another bummer is that I live in New Mexico where our favorite snack ever in the whole world is chips and salsa.  Sauce and Salsa cause me lots of nasty heartburn. That is ok though, because there are other things that I LOVE to eat that don't cause me heartburn... like raspberries and steak! :) Lol  I could eat steak every night. If only steak wasn't soo damn expensive!

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