Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Going overboard?

Ok... soo I have been waiting to find out what I was having for what seems like forever and now that I KNOW I want to start shopping! I think Ryan thinks I am crazy! Lol

But can you just melt with me over these two things? Please?

THIS bedding from Target :


With THESE hand painted wall letters:


Oh my! Isn't that the cutest thing ever! Oh man! I WISH we had a name so I could buy the wall letters! Lol So I took a break from bedding and decor searching and went to some baby name websites and tried to force Ryan to look at them too. He kept saying we have plenty of time. Sigh... All I have to say is these cute wall letters better be ordered and hung on the wall before this kid gets here! Lol

1 comment:

Marcie Chavez said...

Love the bedding! Polkadots are so cute!

Love the wall letters...my only caution would be that you might change your mind about the name when you see the baby. You can always order them right after the baby is born and they will probably be at your doorstep within 5 days.

When Jenna was first born, I really thought we would name her Jillian or Melia, but when we saw her the name Jenna just came to us and fit. It wasn't even on our list! Maybe that only happens to me though...I know plenty of people that name their baby before birth and stick with it!