Monday, May 23, 2011

16 weeks

I cannot believe I am 4 months pregnant! Wow. Time sure flies when you are having fun! I go for my 16 week apt. on Thursday and I am hoping that is where we will schedule my next ultrasound. I can't wait to hear our now, little avocado's heartbeat again.

I feel like we are in this scary time of a pregnancy still, even though we are out of the first trimester. It is the time where you can't feel the baby move and you are still kind of small so you just have to have faith that everything is growing and doing as it should and wait 4 weeks to verify that heartbeat is still beating strong. I can't wait until I am bigger and can actually feel the baby move! Then you know everything is ok, because they are there and you can feel them.

Anyway, I will post a 16 week picture later today and I will of course update after our apt. on Thursday!

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