Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ovulation kit fail

So throughout my TTC process I have yet to use an ovulation kit nor have I taken my temperature or anything like that. I have been strictly just going by ovulation calendars. I *know* I missed my ovulation window my first couple months because I didn't expect to have such long crazy cycles. I thought I would just have fun (yeah right) the first couple of months before I actively peed on ovulation sticks and checked my temperature. Well.. a couple months have passed and obviously whatever we are doing isn't really working.

I have 2 pee on stick type ovulation kits. I thought this month would be the one I would use them, but according to my calendar I was ovulation this weekend when my in laws where here. We were soo busy this weekend running around and occupying people that I just felt weird running to the bathroom to pee on a stick to see if I was ovulating. (Don't worry I didn't however feel weird about doing the deed while the in laws were in the other room... lol) I did open one of the packages and it looked complicated.. and I was too lazy to read the directions so I just didn't use it. I guess next month will be the month I try out the stupid ovulation sticks. But really I only have TWO sticks. What if I miss the day.. bam waste of a stick. Maybe I need to look into some sort of kit so I can test more than 2 days to see if I am ovulating.

On a side note I got completely fed up on Monday. I have gained like 10 pounds since coming of BC and I have been exercising more than typical. Plus I am sooo sick of zits. Ugh I haven't had zits this bad since I was like 14. LAME. Monday I was wishing I was back on BC. I know this process will be worth it adventually, but sometimes it is frustrating when not only are you not getting pregnant month after month, but literally getting less attractive at the same time! lol. Fatter and zit faced... sexy. I am working on my diet... which isn't very good. I LOVE sugar...who doesn't? But I am trying to cut down on my nemesis... gummy bear. I'd probably loose all 10 of those pounds I've been complaining about if I gave up those damn gummy bears.

Hopefully... fingers crossed this is our month... but I have a feeling it is not. Maybe if I go out and buy an ovulation kit I will get knocked up! lol

Until next time.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

You are still beautiful and your husband still loves you. ;-)