Monday, October 11, 2010

waiting game

Still playing the waiting game. I still have a little less than 2 weeks until my AF is supposed to show. So have I had any pregnancy signs this month? Nothing really out of the norm. Hungry, yes... but I am always hungry. Peeing a bit more, yes, but the first month I was trying I peed like a million times and it was nothing. Tired, nothing more than usual. And nothing more.

I keep getting the urge to tell people that we are trying. I know it is bad idea, but I have never been very good at keeping secrets. :) Today we spent a couple hours with Ryan's grandparents, who we are both really close with. I REALLY wanted to tell them. I don't want a lot of people to know because I have no idea how long this process is going to take. BUT sometimes I think the more people we have praying for us, the faster and maybe easier the process might be. I was trying to convince his grandparents to come visit us and his grandma just said to name the weekend and they will come out... I think I will tell them when they come.... if the timing is right. I am soo excited for them to be great grandparents! They will be soo amazing!

Well that is all I have.

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