Wednesday, October 16, 2013

House hope!

Well let's talk about our house! 

Not the one we are living in, but that other one. Ya know, the one we haven't lived in for 10 months, but are still paying for?? Yeah, that one! 

Well we have a new realtor. It has been a long time coming and I am hopeful this will be a good change. Because let's be honest: paying two mortgages sucks! 

Our new realtor was very shocked that we've not even had an offer on our place and kind of seemed like that thought was very surreal to them! Lol   I don't want to bash our old realtor, but I really wasn't happy with them and feel like they weren't doing their job very well. 

I'm really feeling hopeful with this change and I hope and pray that something happens with our house soon!! Please keep your fingers crossed and send positive thoughts and prayers our way!!

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