Thursday, April 4, 2013


Well I have been a stay at home mommy for a few months now. And so far I have zero regrets!

I was a little nervous about my decision at first. I have worked since I can remember. It is intimidated to just not work anymore, but I have a more important job now and that is being a mommy full time.

We have a lot of fun. We get up late everyday. Go for walks everyday. Some days mommy goes for runs, some days we just walk to the mail box. We sing and dance. We play outside in the backyard, I started my first garden and Colin dug up the ground next to me with a fork. We try to go to a park once a week... If we didn't live so far out of town I'd take him everyday! We have fun shopping trips and eat every meal together. I am soo enjoying his company and watching him learn and grow into a little boy.

However, staying home isn't always easy. I miss my friends and interacting with my coworkers... Even the crazy ones! I find myself looking forward to the weekend so my husband will be home and I can talk and hang out with him. I also really look forward to the end of the day when he will be home. But i know that is normal.

Last week my husband went out one night with his friends that he has here and I felt so crappy. Not because I was mad that he went out, I was jealous that I have nobody to go hang it with. That sucks. I have a hard time not having friends. I need them. I am a very social person. But I know it just takes time to meet people when you move.

I've also been taking Colin to the children's museum here. I love it and it is FREE! Yesterday I got a page on free activities involved with the museums here and I am really excited to take Colin and hopefully meet people!

That is my hardest part of being home, but other than that I don't regret it. I even love making my husband homemade meals every night and trying to keep our new house clean! (Although I still se doing dishes! Lol)

1 comment:

Marcie Chavez said...

I told you it's the best ever!!! Keep going out and taking Colin to stuff and you'll meet other moms soon.