Monday, February 18, 2013

Where are we?

Sorry I haven't written in forever, we have been visiting family to get away from the hotel for a few weeks and my parents live in the sticks and have horrendous Internet. Right now I am visiting Ryan's dad, stepmom and sisters in Dallas. The weather is warm and glorious (it was snowing when we left NM!) and Colin has gone to the park several times a day here and is thoroughly enjoying pestering his Aunts!

So basically this is where we are in our house hunt: It looks like the other house we put an offer on will be ours. Although we are incredibly nervous about it until it actually closes, considering the last one fell through on that day. We had some tribulations with this one as well, mostly around the price and have basically settled into paying much more than we had hoped to pay... Isn't that how it goes? Lol BUT there are soo many things we like more about this house than the other.... For example, a bigger garage that our cars actually fit in, storage off the garage, not one, but two sheds outside, a nicer backyard that backs up to nothing (the other house backed up to another neighbor), radiant heating, bigger bedrooms and that is just what pops in my head.

We are scheduled to close In March so we still have a few more weeks of hotel living after we finish visiting our family. But I think we will survive. Will share more on our house when it is officially ours!

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