Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Colin took his first steps!!!

The babysitter said he had been taking 1 or 2 steps all day and I was trying to encourage him to do it tonight and he literally took like 4 or 5 steps towards me! Hooray! I started screaming! lol   Then immediately called Ryan who is on way home from getting my 4 new tires in my car because I had a nail in my sidewall (and we were due on new tires...).  Any who Ryan is so bummed he missed it, but Colin won't do it again now that I have the camera out trying to get video... So I'm hoping he is waiting for his daddy to come home to repeat it!  How exciting! :) 

Hopefully there will be a video to come soon! :)

1 comment:

Christene @ MommaBird said...

Yay! Congrats. This is one of the most exciting milestones :)