Friday, August 10, 2012


Well its taken me awhile to get down a pound, but I honestly feel better than I have in a long time!  I gave myself 9 months to get my pregnancy weight off.... It takes 9 months to put it on, Gotta give yourself 9 months to take it off! Well, I am happy to say, 9 months after baby and I weigh 8 lbs LESS than when I got pregnant! My goal weight is still 2lbs away.  Lately exercising hasn't been happening with my husband's work schedule. BUT, I've hiked for work and gone on evening and sometimes morning walks with the baby to make up for it as well as doing situps and such in the mornings and trying to eat healthier. Oh yeah and I'm pretty sure breastfeeding plays a HUGE role! ;)   My work pants that I was worried about fitting into before I went back to work... are officiall big. :D

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