Friday, July 13, 2012


I've followed the Southern Belle & her boys blog I think since she was pregnant with her first born. She is hilarious and often reminds me of myself! Any who she is doing a rad giveaway on her blog right now and I'd love to win... and I figured so would some of my readers (not that I have very many, but you know!)
Here is the link to her giveaway blog:

It reminded me how fortunate we are that we haven't had *too* many major diaper disasters as of yet. But my very favorite one ever was the first time Ryan changed Colin's diaper in the hospital. Poor kid and pooed all over the place and Ryan, being the proud new daddy jumped up to change the diaper. He took the diaper off and was commenting on how massive of a mess it was and was trying his darnedest to clean it up. The next second I look up and there is pee flying EVERYWHERE! Lol Ryan had no clue. I started screaming, he's Peeing! Poor kid peed all over himself, his clothes and his little hospital bassinet! What an initiation to baby boys and diaper changes!  Ha! 

Good luck my friends! If I win... it will probably go to diapers... but her idea of a pedicuree sounds tempting! (Although you all know how much more I would need a nap... a shame those are priceless... literally!)

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