Sunday, April 22, 2012

Adventures in Eating

It is has been a little over a week since we started Colin on solid foods. We have been doing a very slow approach. We started off with avocados. The first day went well, he LOVED them... but the next couple of days he wasn't interested so I didn't force it. The next food was sweet potatoes. He still wasn't all that into it so I started wondering if I had rushed into it. Then at the end of this week we did carrots, but I didn't make the carrots, it was gerber carrots. He LOVED them... and that was when I noticed they were significantly thinner than the food that I had made.

So I thinned out my sweet potatoes and he liked them much better. I've yet to retry the avocados thinned out, but I will this week. This food thing has really worked out great because on Saturday Ryan was having a terrible time giving Colin a bottle, as usual (I guess he screamed for an hour or two) when Ryan called and asked if he could give him some sweet potatoes. I said sure and  man that kid ate a TON of them! I guess he was hungry. But ever since then he has been eating much better! Lol 

I definitely don't force it. If he isn't into it, I put it away. This morning I tried feeding him and he wasn't having it, so we put it away, but at lunch time he kept smacking his lips when we were eating so I gave him some of my avocado and he gulped it down!  

This week we are going to continue with sweet potatoes (because I have them in the fridge :) ) and add bananas and squash.

I am going to try to make as much of the food as I can, but I am not opposed to buying it. I was looking at it in the store and found some, like the carrots I bought, that just had carrots and water as the ingredients and nothing else. I am going to try to make the food during my weekend and then refrigerate or freeze it for the week. I already did the bananas today for the week :)

Here are some fun pictures of his messy food faces! :)

1 comment:

Abby Reed said...

oh yay!!! And I love that you are going to make his baby food - we bought a food processor specifically so we could do that, too. They also have lot's of organic options instead of gerber, which is great too! Yay, I'm so glad he likes food! lol. Now you have to get that baby a high chair!!!!