Sunday, February 5, 2012


So proud of my little boy! Not only did he do really well with Daddy yesterday taking 2 bottles from him, but when I came home from work and was playing with him he rolled over for the first time!

He was VERY good for his dad yesterday, almost too good! Lol. He even let daddy take a nap! Man, Monday I was begging for nap and he would not let me get one! Darn kid... maybe he is a daddy's boy already! I was secretly hoping he'd be kind of a handful so Ryan would know why I get nothing done some days.  But truthfully he is usually a really good boy, I just stare at him all day the days when I don't get anything done.

I am soo glad he took a bottle for Ryan. Makes me very happy!! He even took about an ounce from me when I got home because I didn't want to waste what was left in the bottle. I don't know whether it was the new bottle I bought or not, but I'm so overjoyed it wasn't an issue. One less thing to worry about when I drop him off with the babysitter on Tuesday!

And about the rolling over. I've been waiting for him to roll over for weeks now, on his back. When he lays on his back he will roll over to side and kicks his legs over. I thought he would roll over for the first time that way. Yesterday he was doing tummy time and holding his head up forever. I was all impressed so I went down to talk with him while he was holding his head up. The next second, he leaned to the side, kicked his legs and rolled over to his back! I couldn't believe my eyes! I've tried to get him to do it again, he's been close, but hasn't done it again.

I just feel like he's growing up so fast already, right before my eyes! :(

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