Wednesday, January 11, 2012


He gives me a little and then he takes it all away! Lol Oh the joys of motherhood! 

Since the new year Colin had been sleeping wonderfully. He'd go down with a 4 hour stretch and then get up and have 2 1/2 hour stretches after that. It was awesome. I was feeling so refreshed and wonderful, no wonder I was thinking I was ready to return to work.  Then Sunday happened.

Sunday we messed up his schedule. We went out of town and didn't get back home until about 11... which is his normal bedtime. I thought he'd be really tired from a busy day and sleep well... but for some reason that wasn't the case. We didn't get to bed until after midnight and he slept 1-2 hour stretches all night... and it sucked. He did the same thing Monday night and then Tuesday... ugh.... Tuesday night.

I tried not to let him sleep the whole day and we even went for a walk outside. I went to Zumba and Ryan watched him... and I guess he slept the entire time I was gone... lame. Then when I took a shower, I put him in the crib and he fell asleep at like 8:30.  I was hoping he'd be out for the night... ha! I crawled into bed at 9 and just fell asleep, when I heard him wake up at 9:30. He was soo refreshed and happy. He was like, Oh hey Ma, just woke up from this awesome power nap... ready to play?! Lol. I let him kick on his changing table (his favorite place in the whole world) while I put some of his clothes away and then I attempted to put him to sleep.

He was fighting nursing... like literally kicking and punching.. but thats all he wanted to do. I finally got him latched and fed and asleep, put him in bed and he wakes up and wants to eat again. Rinse and repeat like a million times. I think he just wanted to suck. At midnight after crying and having a little breakdown myself, I put him in his swing. He was wide awake looking around for about 15 minutes and then cried. Lol. I went and got some pacifiers... but we haven't used a pacifier in forever and he did not know how to even suck on it. Sigh.

I was about to give up and go into the living room and watch tv... but thought I'd give it one more shot in bed. He wouldn't even nurse in the side laying position... I'm not actually sure how I got him to sleep... but I  had fallen asleep trying and I woke up and had one of those nuk pacifiers stuck to my finger, my boob out  and he was asleep.... thankfully.  Then of course I had a hard time falling back asleep and after he work up about 3 hours later, he woke up every hour after that, until I gave up and got up.

Sigh... I'm soo glad I didn't have to go to work today! I'd be soo beat! I hope this is just a growth spurt and he returns to his nice sleeping patterns. I also think maybe the crib messed us up... thats what I get for wanting a nice nights sleep alone in bed and trying to force him in his crib! Lol

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