Saturday, May 14, 2011

Worry Wart

I am a self professed worry wart. I worry about everything... all the time. It is just the way I am, I can't help it. I am on this forum with all these other ladies who are also due in November. They have been posting pictures of their bumps and it is making me very self conscious that my bump doesn't look like their bump! I know it is silly.. but I can't help but fret over it. Everyone's bump looks all round and cute and I feel like I don't really have a bump compared to theirs and what I do have isn't round and cute. This of course makes me worry that maybe something is wrong. What if I am not growing like I should or the baby isn't growing well. I know this is silly, but I think that because I dont FEEL pregnant that I am constantly looking for some sign that I am actually pregnant. (The fact that I haven't had a period since January and that I don't fit into any of my clothes isn't a big enough clue I guess...) I can't wait until I can FEEL the baby!

Also I go to the Dr. on the 26. I believe it will be similiar to last time, really quick and just checking the heartbeat. BUT we should be scheduling our next ultrasound that day... the big 20 week ultrasound where they do the anatomy check and will tell us the gender! :)

Ok that is all I have! Off to try not to worry!

1 comment:

Abby Reed said...

Yay! you are absolutely beautiful (as always) and I can't wait to know the gender!! Will you be sharing that with us??? I am going to have a prediction soon... but right now, I lean toward little girl :) LOVE YOU!