Sunday, May 1, 2011


(Warning: I put links in here on the bottom, but I am a looser and have no clue how to make them actually links, so you have to copy and paste them if you really want to look at them.)

Last weekend Ryan wanted to rearrange the bedrooms because he wanted to see how the beds and everything would fit. We originally had two twin beds in our one spare bedroom and nothing but a desk, bookshelves and a filing cabinet in our office spare bedroom. We decided to split the beds up. Keep one bed in the baby's room and move the other bed into the office. We had to totally rearrange the office and get rid of a bookshelf, but it looks good... but not as good as the baby's room! Which we have determined is much bigger than the office room. We don't have a crib or anything, but we put our family heirloom bassinet in the spot where the crib will go and I literally go into the room everyday and look at it! Lol My amazing next door neighbor actually already made us a diaper cake so we have the diaper cake and the bassinet as our only baby things, but it is still fun to look at and invision what it will be.

Speaking of thinking about what it could be... I got bored today and already started looking at crib bedding! I know, I am ridiculous, but its ok! :) So for a girl I have always loved pink and brown. Not too much pink so it looks like a bottle of pepto, but a nice subtle pink. And for a boy... I had no clue, but in my online searching today I kept finding myself leaning towards polka dots for a boy. So this is what I got.

Girl - (It is the website for the crib, but I like the bedding and the bedding website was worse. :) )

Boy -

1 comment:

Abby Reed said...

love the baby girl one!!! the boy one wouldn't open - but I'm sure it is darling, too! LOVE YOU!