Sunday, November 11, 2012

Going back on dairy??

Well, after our doctor apt on Friday I thought we'd try dairy again. The truth is Colin has slept better, but not THAT much better and it could all be coincidence!

Yesterday he snacked on goldfish crackers and I had some bread sticks at work (instead of the pizza they had)... I figured we'd ease into it. Ha!

Today we went to the store I got some whole milk for Colin to try. I gave him some with his lunch and he took a few swigs of it. He doesn't normally drink a whole lot during the day, just sips here and there, so I wasn't expecting him to drink very much. I let him take a few good sips and after he lost interest I took it away. I didn't want to give him too much, just in case. I figured this is pretty much the ultimate test: flat out milk. If he gets sick then we know why. So far so good. We will see how our night goes.

Not going to lie I was a bit nervous, but part of me is excited. If he doesn't have a dairy allergy, you best believe I am going to get me some ice cream within the next couple days!! Whoo Hoo!  Lol And part of me is bummed because we did 2 months of dairy free for nothing. (Although it didn't hurt anything and probably helped me loose a few pounds! Lol)

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