Monday, November 12, 2012

Old friends

Today I met up with one of my old high school friends and her two beautiful kids at a children's museum in Albuquerque. I have actually known her since preschool... we went to preschool together and now our kids are playing together!! Crazy, right?  Lol We didn't become friends until middle school because she went to a private school before then and I went to public school, we were friends from middle school on up. She is one of the only people (besides my husband, ha!) that I keep in regular contact with from high school and I think it is because we have been on the same kind of life path.

We both went to college and then got married shortly after and then we both had babies. Most of our friends from  high school either are yet to be married or had kids super early. Either way I think it is so cool that we've stayed in touch and can reconnect when she comes back to NM to visit her family. It is so fun to see her babies and watch our kids grow up together! If only we lived closer!

Here are some photos of our visit. I wish I would have gotten a picture of her and I together or with our babies. Aww well, next time! I actually TOOK a picture of her and Colin, but my dang camera phone was acting up and now it has disappeared :(

Me with Colin and Serena. She will be 6 months next week and is the happiest baby. Colin loved her.

Noah on the left, Colin on the right at the childrens museum

Baby kisses and baby love!

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