Saturday, August 4, 2012

World Breastfeeding Week

Happy World Breastfeeding week! Have you all been overwhelmed with all my FB breastfeeding posts this week? :)

I've decided that I've turned into a hippy. Well... A breastfeeding hippy! I never thought I would feel so passionate about breastfeeding and now here I am, encouraging people to nurse and attend nursing groups. This week I told a local newspaper reporter about world breastfeeding week (she is doing an article on it next week) and then I responded to a letter to the editor that frowned upon women who nurse in public (although they never posted my comment! Lol). I am also going on 9 months of nursing Colin and have been hearing comments about how I should quit now that he has teeth.

Well... we've been through a lot in our breastfeeding journey and quitting because some teeth have popped through is just not going to happen.

I feel like we've come so far and overcome so many hurdles that we can't stop now. We are so successful, even with me working full time (until next week... ha!) and being able to still provide breastmilk is pretty awesome and no easy task, but a totally worthwhile task! :)

I feel like I want to shout out to the world, encourage everyone to try it, who may have thought it was weird and let all the mothers know how wonderful it really is.  Although I understand many choose to not nurse and many have difficulties nursing.... heck I'd say we had more difficulties than most. But I truly wish people were more educated about it and that they at least give it a try before dismissing it as an option. I'm not going to lie I was very scared to nurse. The thought was weird and foreign... but I read a lot about the health benefits for both me and baby and thought, you know... I'm going to do this and at least try. I know I say my goal was 6 months... but I'll be honest, I was really just hoping I'd make it to 3 months!  Any little bit, even a week or a month is better than none at all. So if you are reading this and tried breast feeding and feel like you failed, I hope you are proud of yourself for giving it a shot and trying because that in itself is a success.

I told someone today that nursing your baby is addicting. I know, that sounds weird to some, but for me it is true. You build a connection with your child that is so strong and unlike anything else. It is beautiful and a bond that cannot be replaced.

And now, because I am going all crazy breastfeeding hippy on you... Here are pictures of me nursing my baby. GASP! I know... Going all out there! The first two are from when he was little little and the last two are like this week...