Friday, November 9, 2012

1 year check up

Colin had his 1 year check up today. It didn't go as well as I had hoped.

My tiny boy weighs 18 lbs and  is 30 inches tall. He has only gained a pound since his last visit 3 months ago, and the doctor was concerned. She kept asking me what he eats. If she only knew he eats EVERYTHING. He just ate 3 servings of our crock pot dinner!! She is sending him to get blood work done to test his thyroid.   (I can only imagine how fun blood work for a baby is going to be.... :( ) 

Anyway we also talked about his sleep and our dairy free diet. She thinks I'm crazy (It's ok, because I think she is crazy! Lol) She told me the ONLY sign for a dairy allergy is blood diarrhea and she has only seen that once in her entire 15 years of practice.  (This is not true, I know there are other symptoms of a dairy allergy).  She also told me that babies with a true dairy allergy cannot be breastfed. (Also not true.) So I am not too sure what to do with this... except maybe doctor shop? She obviously doesn't have her facts straight because I have personally known a handful of babies who have had dairy allergies and their mother gave up dairy and they were able to continue breastfeeding.  Heck, I myself had a dairy allergy as a baby... I didn't have bloody stool, but had tummy aches and cried alot and was put on soy formula. Crazy, right?

Any who she told me his sleeping is purely behavioral and I am allowing him to wake up constantly. When I told him how restless he sleeps sometimes, especially after eating dairy or something that upsets his tummy, she told me to google videos of adults sleeping and that everyone sleeps restlessly. :(

Ugh. I wish she could/would relate to me a bit more. I wish she took my concerns into consideration instead of just making me feel dumb with her nonsense facts. It is frustrating and makes me feel like I need to take Colin somewhere else.

We may still try giving him milk and see if he drinks it or if it makes him sick. In the past he has avoided dairy. I've tried giving him cheese, baby yogurt and yogurt bites and he won't eat it. So maybe he will get a taste of milk and also not like? We will try it and see.

Poor buddy also got FIVE shots! Yucky!

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