Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Blabs on life after 1 year

I still can't believe we've made it to the 1 year mark. Incredible.

Colin has his 1 year check up on Friday. I know he is getting shots, poor kid, but I am excited to  see how much he has grown. He is always on the littler side on the spectrum, but I can tell he has really gotten tall lately, so I'm anxious to see just how tall he is. He eats like a champ and our home scale says he is 20, but he always weighs less at the doctors office, so we'll see.

I am not going to lie, I am a bit nervous about his appointment because his last one didn't go so well. I brought up his sleeping and the doctor told me to have him cry it out and was worried about me being depressed. For the record, I was just really tired, frustrated and majorly sleep deprived... not depressed. But I am nervous to tell her that we tried and failed at the cry it out method... and also that we still aren't sleeping. Oh yeah, and not to mention I gave up dairy almost 2 months ago to try and see if it would help his sleep and I'm not 100% sure it has, but he has his good nights a lot more than he did before.

I am nervous to hear what she has to say to all of that and I am worried she is going to think I am crazy. I also want to bring up what sort of milk to give him... since I'm concerned that he may have a dairy allergy.. but am still not really sure. Sigh.

I've also been thinking a lot about extended breastfeeding...  I know a lot of people will think I'm totally nuts... heck, a year ago I probably would have too.  But Colin is still nursing A LOT and that to me means he isn't ready to wean. I want to do more of the child led weaning instead of mommy led weaning, but once I know if he can drink milk or rice or almond milk then I will offer that to him during the day instead of nursing every 2 hours and see if he cuts back on nursing. Tonight he made the sign for milk and I gave him a sippy cup with water and he chugged it, so I think he may just be thirsty and anything will do on some occasions.  My family already thinks I'm nuts for nursing... I can't imagine what they will think when I'm nursing a toddler.... aww well. I sure hope our doctor is supportive of it.

Wish us luck on Friday! I will update how  it goes!

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