Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My baby... isn't such a baby!

Today my love you turn 1. Where the past year has gone, I have no idea.

This has definitely been the most sleepless year of my life, yet I don't even care (most days).  You bring such a light and joy to our lives that it makes no difference. All you have to do is smile at me or give me a hug and I forget any worry or care that I may have.

It is funny to look back upon bringing you first home. I was a little terrified. I was scared to do something wrong or make a mistake. I was soo worried the first day I spent home alone with you, I didn't know if I could handle it. Funny how much has changed since those first days. Now I work a day less at work just to spend extra time with you. I wish I could spend everyday home with you.

I can't believe how much you have learned and grown in this first year. From holding your head up, rolling, crawling, and now walking and talking. It is truly amazing to watch. We love being apart of so many wonderful firsts in your life and can't wait to experience many more!

You are the happiest, sweetest little boy. You smile at everyone and flirt with all the ladies.  You love to laugh and give snuggles... and those snuggles are our favorite things in the whole world. Even better than your snuggles are your big slobbery kisses. I would gladly be covered in slobber and get a million of those kisses!

Thinking about how much you have grown brings tears to my eyes. I still can't believe it. We are so lucky and blessed that you are a part of our life. I can't imagine life without you in it. Watching you learn and grow brings me so much joy.

My precious angel, happy first birthday, I love you more than I can ever explain.

Some of my favorite photos this past year:

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