Tuesday, May 8, 2012

6 months

My baby is a half a year old. That was the quickest, sleepless, and most glorious 6 months ever! Lol We go to the  doctor tomorrow... but this kid has grown like crazy. I am guessing 17 lbs and at least 26 inches! We will see!
Ok, just got back from the doctor... I am convinced their scales are TOTALLY messed up! Colin has been pushing 17lbs for the past couple weeks on the scale at home and the sitter weighed him this morning and with his clothes on he was 18.6. At the doctor's office... he only weighed 15lbs! What?! I made them re-weigh him because I couldn't believe it. Although I think it was 15lbs 15ounces... so *almost* 16lbs. Which means he has gained 9 lbs (10 in my opinion lol) since birth. Most of that all on Momma's milk! :)

At 6 months:
Colin has blonde hair with a hint of red, but the hair growing in is VERY blonde. He has blue eyes. Yes, I said it... his eyes are blue, much to my dismay that he won't have green eyes like me! Lol

Colin is wearing 6-9 month in the onsies and still 3-6 month in pants because he has short little legs.

He is wearing size 3 diapers.

He is *almost* sitting up on his own. He can sit for like 30 seconds to a minute or so and then falls over!

He is crawling everywhere and grabbing at everything!

He is a total wiggle worm!

He screams and yells and "talks" to people.  I swear he said Momma yesterday... lol But he had no clue! :)

He has no teeth... yet. But is teething like crazy and every morning when we wake up I check his mouth!

He is still very smiley and happy. He cracks up laughing at the tiniest things, which I love!

He has turned into quite the Momma's boy, especially in the evening and just wants to be near me and touching me to go to sleep. He sleeps with at least one hand and one foot touching me... always 2 points of contact... so he can know if I leave! Lol

He is eating: Avocado (Guacamole), sweet potatoes, carrots, apple sauce, green beans, bananas and we just started oatmeal the other night.  He loves EVERYTHING... ha! Kid likes food. Green or orange... he will eat it with a smile! Lol. I have put off trying more foods until we return from SC. But I still have a squash I need to cook up for him in the fridge!

He is still breastfed and eats every 2 hours during the day... and occasionally at night too! Ha! 

His sleep has been sucking majorly lately, the past month he's gotten up every 2 hours or less at night. But the past week he had a couple (flukes) good nights.. so I am hoping that is a new trend! :)

And here are his pictures!

Hey... Mommy left the remote over there.... Must.Have. Remote.

obsessed with the ball!

Mommy is soo funny!

Enough pictures... I am teething!

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